Clubs & Activities

Hannum students are encouraged to participate in any extra activities provided for the students. Since the students participating in these activities represent Hannum School, they should exhibit proper behavior at all times. Considering our school’s main focus is academic success, if participation in school-sponsored clubs, service organizations or extracurricular activities is impeding the student’s success in school, appropriate interventions will be applied. Students may be suspended or removed from clubs, patrol or extracurricular activities for low grades, poor work habits or inappropriate behavior. All decisions for removal will be at the discretion of the principal. Club will vary from year to year based on the interest from teachers to run the different clubs.
Moderators– Mr. Fanjoy and Mr. Lazzarotto
When – Day 3 Lunch Club 11:55-12:45
Grade 1
Moderators– Mr. Fanjoy and Mr. Lazzarotto
When – Day 4 Lunch Club 11:55-12:45
Grade 2
Moderators– Mr. Fanjoy and Mr. Lazzarotto
When – Day 3 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 3
Moderators– Mrs. Paluch
When – Day 2 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 3
Moderators–Ms. Szczepaniak
When – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 3:30-4:30
Grade 3
Moderators– Mr. Fanjoy and Mr. Lazzarotto
When – Day 4 Lunch Club 11:55-12:45
Grades 4 and 5
Moderator- Mrs. Lazinek
When – Day 1 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grades 4 and 5
Moderators– Mr. Strickland, Miss McVicker, Mrs. Panos and Ms. Szczepaniak
When – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3:30-4:30
Grades 4 and 5
Moderators– Mrs. Paluch
When – Day 2 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 4
Moderators– Mr. Fanjoy and Mr. Lazzarotto
When – Tuesday 3:30-4:30 PM
Grade 4
Moderators– Mr. Fanjoy and Mr. Lazzarotto
When – Wednesday 3:30-4:30 PM
Grade 5
Moderator – Mr. Strickland
When – Day 1 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 5
Moderator – Mrs. Fitzgibbon
When – Day 1 Lunch Club 11-11:50am
Grade 3
Moderator – Mr. Strickland
When – Day 2 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 5
Moderator- Mrs. Hemminger
When: Day 2 Lunch Club-11:00 – 11:30 AM.
Grades 4 and 5
Moderator – Mrs. Zweig
When – Day 3 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 3
Moderator: Mrs. Zweig
When: Day 1 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 3
Moderator: Mrs. Zweig
When: Day 5 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grade 3
Moderators– Mrs. Lazinek
When – Day 1 After School 3:30-4:30
Grades 4 and 5
Moderators– Mrs. Panos
When – Day 3 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grades 4 and 5
Moderator – Mr. Strickland and Mrs. Fitzgibbon
When – Day 5 Lunch Club 11:00-11:50
Grades 3,4, and 5
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