School District 123 Employment
Thank you for considering School District 123 in your job search! Our learning community is dedicated to the success of our students and a know that their success is a direct reflection of our committed and dedicated employees. We are passionate about education and about creating a warm, nurturing, and challenging environment for all students. Please feel free to browse the job opportunities provided below, and contemplate joining us in our mission. Our aim is to inspire, educate, and equip today's learners for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow's world.
Substitute Teacher Employment
Earn up to $180/day!
Substitute Teaching Rates
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Application Processing (ISBE)
- Background Check (South Cook)
Once you have received the Substitute Teacher Authorization Letter for Region 7 please contact or or call 708-952-4290 for any questions, and apply for a substitute teaching position on our website.

Paraprofessional Employment
Applicants need 1 of the 4 options below to qualify for the Paraprofessional Certification. The complete application process is done on the Illinois State Board of Education Website.
- Associate or Higher Degree
- 60 College Semester Hrs.
- ETS Paraprofessional Assessment with an official score report of 460 or higher
- ACT WorkKeys Assessment with the following scores:
- Applied Math – 4
- Reading for Information – 4
- Writing/Business Writing – 3
If you have any questions or would like more information please go to this link and watch the how-to-videos:
If you qualify for a Paraprofessional license
Create an Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) account and complete the application for your Paraprofessional Certificate.
For additional information about applying for the license please take a look at the how-to-videos posted at:
Once you have completed the above requirements, you will also need to apply with the links posted above. Please contact the D123 substitute coordinator via e-mail or or call 708-952-4290 for any questions and to complete the process of becoming an Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 paraprofessional.
Additional Employment Links
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