Dr. Bencik makes an adorable ice cream sundae!
The Kindergarten class has grown so much over this year. These little Hornets arrived in August worried, excited, scared.... so many emotions!! They are now taller, smarter, and love school! They are ready to take on first grade next year. To celebrate all of their accomplishments this year, the Kindergarten classes hosted a celebration for their families. The students sang several songs including "Do You Like Ice Cream?" and "The Kindergarten Class." They danced to Go Noodle's song "Double Scoop" and enjoyed a slide show of all the best memories from this year. After the presentation, families got to enjoy their own ice cream sundaes. Students piled on sprinkles and syrup and chatted with friends. Parents got to mingle and talk about summer plans. It was a great way to end a SCOOPER year.