Clubs & Activities

Extracurricular activities are a unique way for children to explore and learn new skills, talents, and interests. Each club or organization must have a faculty sponsor willing to organize and supervise the group’s activities. Each year teachers may volunteer to sponsor a club or organization with the approval of the principal. The following list shows an example of clubs that have been sponsored in the past. There is no guarantee that these clubs will be active each school year. Also, there may be new clubs formed during a school year which are not listed below. While it is not possible for every child to participate in every club or organization, attempts will be made involve as many children as possible.
- Basketball Club
- Kindness Club
- Art Club
- Game Board Club
- Student Council
- Stem Club
- Geography Club
- Drama
- Sports Club
- Homework Club
- Band
- Choir
- Safety Patrol
Select students from grades 4 and 5 make up the concert choir. These students have demonstrated the ability to sing in pitch and have a desire to further develop their vocal skills. The concert choir members are chosen by the music teacher. Rehearsals are held during the school day at lunch/recess time. Students are required to purchase a choir shirt and wear the approved uniform at all performances.
At the discretion of the supervising teacher(s), students in grades 4 and 5 may audition for acting/singing parts in a Winter or Spring production. Plays are selected by the sponsoring teacher(s) each year. Students rehearse after school and those selected to participate must adhere to strict attendance rules. In-school and evening performances will be noted on school calendars.
Interested and responsible students in grades 4 and 5 are selected to assist those students who walk to and from school each day. The patrol guard are stationed at the street corners around the school to help other students cross the busy streets before school begins and during dismissal. Parents and other adult drivers are urged to use great caution when driving around the school during these times. The safety of all of the students rests on each driver’s shoulders.
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