
A Field Trip Here and A Field Trip There

4th graders are excited for the play to start

Last week was a fun filled week for our third and fourth graders. On Tuesday, our third graders took their first field trip ever! Third grade visited the Homewood Science Center. They learned about a roller coaster inventor from the 1900’s, John Miller. After learning all about roller coasters, the students took on the role of engineers and created roller coasters out of recycled materials. It was awesome hearing the students walking through the hallway saying things like, “Today has been awesome!” and, “This was the best day!”
On Thursday, our fourth graders took their first trip since kindergarten! Students traveled to Moraine Valley Community College to see “Charlotte’s Web.” The students read the book before seeing the play, so the kids were very excited when they knew details about characters. The fourth grade teachers said they had a lot of fun! It was a week full of experiences for third and fourth graders.

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