
Spring and Music are in the Air

Hannum Chorus opening the show

On Friday, May 12, 2023, Mrs. Hemminger and Mrs. Glikis put on the Hannum Spring Concert. The concert featured chorus, third grade classes, fourth grade classes, and fifth grade. Chorus started the concert by singing “The Star Spangled Banner.” They continued by singing three songs that they have been working on all year and it really showed! Third grade sang three songs, followed by fourth grade performing four songs, and fifth grade closed out the concert performing four songs. 

Students not only learned the lyrics but they also performed a dance with scarves, learned multiple dance moves to accompany the lyrics, and played mutiple musical instruments including ukueles! Mrs. Hemminger and Mrs. Glikis did an amazing job guiding students through the performances and the students really showed off what they have learned throughout the year in music. Parents enjoyed the performance, which was evident from the thunderous applause. The concert is a wonderful way for the arts to come alive at Hannum Elementary.


Click here to watch the full concert.

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