
Bear Booth Grand Opening

Bear Booth Grand Opening

Hannum students went shopping with 'Bear Bucks' earned for Paws-i-tive Behavior.

This past Wednesday Hannum School buzzed with excitement as each class visited the Bear Booth for the first time this year.  The Bear Booth is a store where students can buy 'merch' using their 'Bear Bucks'.  Teachers hand out Bear Bucks to students for following the Bear Way: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.  The emphasis is on positive behavior reinforcement and students are rewarded for following the school rules.  The more a student follows the rules, the more bucks they can potentially earn.  Items at the store ranged in price from $3 to $100.  The store had erasers, Smencils, Hannum spiritware, Play Dough, Slime, and a giant stuffed animal.  There were also options to buy privilegs such as free recess or wear a hat to school.  Some students even chose to save their 'Bear Bucks' for a future purchase.  Mrs. Doornbos (Principal) and Miss Turek (School counselor) worked the Bear Booth all day and agreed it was a great success.  

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