
Grateful and Thankful

Grateful and Thankful

Over the last week Hannum students and staff have shown how grateful and thankful they are.  Throughout the school, decorations line the hallways where students have written their thoughts about thankfulness.  At the top of second grade students' lists were, friends, family, and having a home.  First grade students were able to participate in a grade-level Thanksgiving feast together on Thursday.  Before eating, students recited Thanksgiving poems they practiced and memorized.  Students then took their plates to be filled by parent volunteers with traditional Thanksgiving food such as: turkey, mashed potatos, stuffing, cranberries, and pumpkin or apple pie.  Hannum also sponsored a food drive spearheaded by Miss Turek.  Students donated food to help needy families for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.  Hannum Bears have shown themselves to be excellent community members.  On Friday, students had their PBIS Trimester 1 celebration.  Students were paired with grade-levels to play board games together.  Fifth grade students were paired with Kindergarten students and fourth graders were paired with first graders to serve as peer models.  Third grade students will be playing with second grade students too.  Hannum is such an amazing place and we are all very grateful for such wonderful teachers, students, and support staff.  Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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