Athletics, Clubs & Activities

We encourage our students to become part of extracurricular activities because we believe that they are a vital part of the middle school experience. Various clubs operate throughout the year. It is expected that each club participant will maintain passing grades and appropriate behavior. Attendance during regular school hours is required in order to participate in after school activities.
CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: The aim of our co-curricular program is to provide school related activities as an extension of the regular school day to further enhance classroom learning and student interest.
Eligibility: As representatives of OLHMS, all students involved in before/after school activities are subject to eligibility procedures as defined by each group or team. Students may be restricted participation in any activity on the basis of academic and/or behavioral deficiency.
Participation: Each student at OLHMS has the opportunity to join and/or try-out for co-curricular activities. Students absent from any part of the school day will be deemed ineligible for participation in any co-curricular activity on the day of the absence. Due to the number of activities available at OLHMS, at times, schedules may overlap. Coaches/sponsors will make every effort to allow students the opportunity to participate in more than one activity. Occasionally, students will need to choose between two different activities.
Clubs and activities meet either before school from 7:30 – 8:25 or after school from 3:30 – 4:30. An activity bus is available to get students to and from their club. If you plan to take advantage of the activity bus, please complete and submit the Bus Holds Harmless form.

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