
Future Bulldogs and Spartans!

Future Bulldogs and Spartans!

Last week, our 8th grade OLHMS Students had an amazing opportunity to gain more insight about their future high school. Last Wednesday and Thursday, 8th grade students learned more about their potential future high school. Students who are in district to attend Richards High School visited HLR and students who are in district to attend Oak Lawn Community High School were visited by several OLCHS staff members, including the Foreign Language Department, the Athletic Director, School Counselors, and former OLHMS students. 

Students who spent the morning at HLR were welcomed into the building and introduced to several students, faculty members, and the principal, Dr. Mike Jacobson. After OLHMS students were given an introduction, they were asked to think about what they would like to pursue in regards to their future endeavors, and connect those interests to elective courses HLR offers. When Natalia was asked what elective class she was most excited about, she stated that “I love to cook and bake desserts, so I’m really excited to take the Foods class because I know I would love it, and it would be a perfect class to expand and build on my prior knowledge.” Students were given a tour around the school and given a sneak peak inside elective classes that HLR has to offer, along with receiving a Bulldog Swag Bag containing an HLR water bottle, a magnet, and additional high school related information.

Students who are in the district to attend OLCHS went down to our OLHMS cafeteria for a presentation from various faculty members representing different departments at Oak Lawn Community High School. As students filled the cafeteria, the excitement filled the air and OLCHS staff members gave our students a warm welcome. The Foreign Language Department gave an engaging and encouraging presentation to students about their Spanish and Arabic courses; school counselors talked extensively about students’ future core and elective classes and grades; the Athletic Director discussed the various sports, respective seasons, and schedules of a student-athlete; and former OLHMS students answered current OLHMS students’ questions. When Ralph was asked what his favorite part about the presentation was, he said “I absolutely loved asking former OLHMS students questions about Oak Lawn, what to expect, what high school is like, and other questions. Hearing from students who went to OLHMS and are now at OLCHS made me feel more comfortable and confident- high school will be different, but in the best way possible.”

Thank you to Richards High School and Oak Lawn Community High School for taking the time to speak with our students and for passing out Bulldog and Spartan swag!

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