
Middle School Rocks: Open Gym Night Promotes Health and Fun for Students!

Middle School Rocks: Open Gym Night Promotes Health and Fun for Students!

The first PTSA sponsored Open Gym was held last Thursday, September 28th! Roughly 120 students attended the open gym where they were able to play basketball, volleyball, kickball, bean bags, board games, and so much more! All students were smiling and excited to spend the evening with their friends. Students were given a snack and drink provided by the PTSA with a raffle at the end of the night.

One 6th grade student shared, “I had a ton of fun tonight at open gym! I didn’t think there would be this much to do!”

Dr. McNichols shared, “This open gym was a really successful night! This was one of the best turnouts we’ve ever had with the most volunteers! What a great team effort to make this enjoyable for our scholars!”

The OLHMS PTSA is looking forward to sponsoring another event for our scholars!

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