
Xello! 2023

Xello! 2023

Our 8th grade counselor Mrs. Vanessa Follmar visited all four of the 8th grade ELA classrooms to introduce Xello, an educational program for career development. Additionally, Xello is a personalized educational program where students gain insight on local and federal requirements for college and career readiness. Students also gain motivation and self-motivation about their future, their career goals, and their academic interests.

In the first Xello session, Mrs. Follmar introduced the program to 8th grade students, and they completed two out of four modules, which consisted of an interest assessment, learning assessment, a skills assessment, and learning style assessment. After the first session, students expressed how much they love Xello. Carter said “I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was older, which made me a little nervous. I really loved Xello because it presented professions that I did not even think of, which sparked my interest and made me feel more at peace.”

Thank you to Mrs. Follmar for helping our students make their dreams become a reality! Our Mustangs are excited for the second session of Xello coming up in a few months!

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