
Successful OLHMS Newsies Jr. Play!

Successful OLHMS Newsies Jr. Play!

From October, Ms. Hughes and Ms. Kennedy have been preparing their cast and crew members for a play they will always remember and cherish. Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, our Newsies Jr. cast performed for their teachers, family members, loved ones, and friends. From the backstage crew perfecting the placement of the stage setting to the casting crew bringing their characters to life, over 50 OLHMS students worked together to put on an unforgettable show. 

Last Thursday, February 1st, teachers and staff members were invited to an exclusive show of Newsies Jr. by the cast. Teachers were so excited to watch their students’ hard work on display, and they shared the memorable moment by bringing their kids to watch the show, too. After a successful first run of the show with an audience, students performed on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Between both shows, there were about 600 tickets sold!

When Ms. Kennedy reflected on Newsies Jr.  performance, she said “I was so impressed with the students’ dedication and enthusiasm from the start of our production to the end. The students’ hard work shined through each performance- I am so proud of them!”

We are so unbelievably proud of all cast and crew members, and grateful for the endless hours Ms. Hughes and Ms. Kennedy put in to make this show great!

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