
Bingo Night Fun!

Bingo Night Fun!

On Friday, January 27th, the Kolmar PTA hosted their annual bingo night. It was a huge success! The gym was packed with families all ready to win some great prizes. All different types of bingo games were played and there were many winners! Only 10 winners got to take away the big prizes like the Richards, Brother Rice, and McAuley swag bags, the D-Bats sports basket, and the restaurant gift cards! Other prizes included chips and candies, toys, and passes to use at school like no homework, pajama day, or wear a hat to school. A huge thank you goes out to all who donated to our prizes, and to our middle school volunteers, they did an amazing job! Special thanks to those who donated to our treasure chest fundraiser as well. Last but not least, Mr. Creech deserves a round of applause for keeping the party going and being a wonderful bingo caller!



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