Welcome to Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123
Student Enrollment

If you are registering a NEW STUDENT, there is no need to stand in line, SAVE YOURSELF TIME, and ENROLL ONLINE!
Students enrolled ONLINE do NOT have to submit a paper registration packet! You will receive emails from the district registrar every step of the way! Visit our New Student Registration page for more details!
Registrations will be taken on-line or by appointment. Please be sure to review our district boundaries before starting the enrollment process.
If you have any questions, please contact the district registrar at (708) 857-5020 or nmottl@d123.org.
All mandatory documentation must be collected before your child is enrolled (see below).
All applicable items need to be submitted before enrollment is considered complete
Student will be enrolled with legal name as recorded on Birth Certificate unless court documentation is presented showing legal name change.
Please see below for acceptable residency documents. Residency MUST be established before enrollment is considered complete.
If transferring from another public school in Illinois please obtain this form from the school your child is coming from. (Student must be in good standing). This must be submitted before the student’s enrollment is considered complete.
If transferring from a Chicagoland area Catholic Elementary School, please obtain this form.
Must provide certification, in writing, on school or district letterhead, that the student is not currently serving a suspension or expulsion imposed by the school from which the student is transferring and what grade the student will be entering for the current school year.
Proof of appropriate health exam and required immunizations – Kdg & 6th
Proof of Dental Exam – Kdg, 2nd & 6th
Proof of Eye Exam – Kdg
Students transferring from a school outside of IL must submit proof of a current health physical done in the State of IL prior to starting.
If your child was receiving Special Education Services, please provide a copy of the most current IEP.
Residency Requirements
Please note, all items must be current and dated within 30-60 days. You must provide both Category A (1) and Category B (2) documents.
Category A – Must provide one (1) document | Category B – Must provide two (2) documents | |
☐ Real Estate Tax Bill | ☐ Gas Bill | ☐ Driver’s License/State ID |
☐ Signed Lease | ☐ Electric Bill | ☐ Bank Statement |
☐ Mortgage Document or payment book | ☐ Water/Sewer Bill | ☐ Credit Card Statement |
☐ Residency Attestation and most current real estate tax bill or mortgage statement | ☐ Phone Bill (no cell phones) ☐ Cable Bill |
☐ Pay Check Stub ☐ City Sticker Receipt |
☐ Military Housing Letter | ☐ Vehicle Registration | ☐ Voter Registration |
☐ Section 8 Letter | ☐Homeowner’s/ Renters InsurancePolicy and premium receipt |
☐ Change of Address confirmation from the US Postal Service |
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