Teaching & Learning

Curriculum & Instruction
District 123 curriculum is designed to provide variety and breadth through the study of content and process in the fundamental learning areas of reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, physical education and health, computer literacy, and at the middle school, foreign language. At all grade levels, teachers employ varied instructional methods and materials, tailored to the needs of individual classes and individual students. Your child’s teacher or principal can best answer specific questions about the curriculum, its alignment with State goals, and the instructional program.
Standards Based Grading & Reporting at D123
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 is a community of learners guided by the belief that continuous learning promotes fulfillment and future success. In keeping with the district’s mission and vision, Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 has transitioned to a standards-based system of reporting on students’ performance and progress. The purpose of this transition is to create a more specific, accurate, and understandable description of student learning for children, parents, and teachers. The documents listed below help to explain the standards based reporting system here at District 123.
Translated Report Cards
Translated report cards for each grade level can be found by clicking the buttons below.
Curriculum Objections
Parents/guardians have the right to inspect any instructional material used as part of their child’s educational curriculum pursuant to Board of Education policy 7:15, Student and Family Privacy Rights.
Persons who believe that curriculum, instructional materials, or programs violate rights guaranteed by any law or Board policy should file a complaint using Board policy 6:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure. Persons with all other suggestions or complaints about curriculum, instructional materials, or programs should complete a Curriculum Objection form.
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