
Let Us Know Your Thoughts on Remote Learning


The following is a letter sent to all District 123 families from the Superintendent encouraging the community to let District 123 know how the shift to Temporary Remote Learning is going.

Dear District 123 Families:

On December 2, 2020, Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 temporarily shifted to Full Remote Learning for all District 123 students. District 123 is currently anticipating a return to in-person / hybrid instruction on January 19, 2021.

We have successfully completed almost two weeks of remote instruction and would invite all District 123 families to take a few moments to share your thoughts and provide us your feedback through our remote learning survey. We are continuously looking for ways to improve student and family experiences in both the full remote and temporary remote environments; your insight through this survey will help us accomplish that goal.


Thank you again for your understanding, patience, and flexibility during this time. Our door is always open for questions, concerns, or situations that may arise. We will always strive to find the best answers in service to you, our students and staff, and the entire Oak Lawn – Hometown school community.


Paul J. Enderle, Superintendent

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