
Board Briefs: October 21, 2019

Board Briefs

The District 123 School Board of Education held their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 21, 2019. View the agenda.

Highlights from the meeting include:

The board welcomed new employees to District 123 approving the hires of Deanna Sweis, Speech Pathologist at OLHMS, Covington, and Hometown, Veronica Koutsky, Lunchroom Supervisor at
Kolmar, Sylvia LaFrancis, Lunchroom Supervisor at Covington, Crystal Marquez, Instructional Aide at Hannum, and Pamela Nunley, Instructional Aide at Kolmar.

Superintendent Report:

During his Superintendent Report, Dr. Enderle thanked the District 123 community for their efforts with the recent Family Conferences.

“Thank you to everyone in our school community who worked together to ensure that family conferences last week were smoothly run and a great success for both our staff and families. It is amazing to see how everyone leveraged their role to contribute to making this a special and informative event for everyone involved. From the effectiveness of our new online sign-up process to the preparation of conferences by our students, teachers, and administration, to the overall cleanliness of our schools and support from the office staff, this process is one that requires teamwork and serves to empower and unite us together by strengthening that crucial school to home connection. Once again, thank you to our entire team for going above and beyond,” he said.

Hannum School Update:

The principal of Hannum School, Anne Marie McGovern gave the board an update on the happenings at Hannum School.

As of the meeting Hannum has 400 students, with an average of 19-25 students per classroom depending on the grade level. The majority of students exceed or meet grade-level readiness in reading, math, and ELA. McGovern is especially proud of the inclusion of everyone at Hannum school, pointing out the various clubs and activities students can be involved in to make friends and build relationships.

Community Partnership Update:

Community Liason Officer, Larry Fetchko updated the board on Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan, Community Spirit. The upcoming Community Leaf Raking event, which District 123 will host exclusively in the area this year, is a fantastic opportunity for community outreach and to partner with local patriarchal schools.

The next Board of Education Meeting will be on Monday, November 11, 2019, at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School.

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