
What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

Fire Fighters talk

Sward Students listen to Fire Fighters

Sward Students listen to Fire Fighters talk about their job and get questions answered!

On Thursday, April 25th Sward School held a Career Day. The full-day event encouraged students to listen to presentations from a variety of community members who presented information on numerous different careers from careers in public service like police officers and firemen to careers in technology like web development and video editing.

“One of our school goals this year deals with social responsibility. Career Day provided all of our students the opportunity to be introduced to careers that they may not have been familiar with prior to today. The students learned how a variety of career options tie into the academics they are currently learning in their classrooms. Our presenters were amazing and our students and staff seemed to really enjoy the day! Our Eagles had impressive behavior all day and took the goal of social responsibility very seriously,” said Principal Candy Kramer.

The Sward 3-5 Grade students had the chance to personalize the experience by being able to choose which career sessions they wanted to attend.

The older students filled out interest inventories and were placed into the sessions they were most interested in. Providing these students with voice and choice really empowered them to embrace the day. It was really fun to watch them walking through the hallways with their individualized schedule in hand looking for their next session. The excitement in their eyes was awesome! They took this responsibility very seriously and I was incredibly proud of them as they maneuvered through their schedules,” said Kramer.

A few District 123 Board Members event got in on the action, sharing about their careers as well. The Sward Career Day was an excellent way to illustrate portions of Oak Lawn-Hometown District 123 new strategic plan including Goals 1,2, and 4 which focus on whole child success, active learning, and community spirit.

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