
Hometown Students Graduate from D.A.R.E.

Graduate from D.A.R.E.

5th Grade students

More than 60 Hometown 5th Grade students made the promise to resist drugs and violence throughout their lives at D.A.R.E Graduation this week. The program equips students with the confidence they need to refuse drugs and make good decisions.

Through education, the D.A.R.E. program equips students with the tools they need to make the right choices. A local officer to teach students how to avoid situations that would get them in trouble.

“Each of you helped to make this a very worthwhile effort and it is my hope, as well as your Principal’s and teachers’ that the D.A.R.E. curriculum educated you about the dangers of drugs and the consequences associated with them. Your commitment to avoid drugs and violence, as well as doing your part to keep your community drug and violence-free, strengthens your opportunity for a rewarding future,” said Randy Palmer, Chief of Police for the Oak Lawn Police Department.

The D.A.R.E. Program was started in 1989.

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