
Hometown Student Raises Top Dollar for American Heart Association

American Heart Association

Isabella with her Golden Ticket

Isabella with her Golden Ticket

A Hometown Elementary third grade student has raised $1,632 for the American Heart Association through this year’s Jump Rope for Heart fundraising campaign. The most anyone at the school has ever raised for the fundraiser.

“My family and I really worked together and everyone from my mom’s work and my aunt’s work gave a small about and it built up to a lot. I was so surprised at the final amount I just stood there when my mom told me and was like wow,” said Isabella.

Isabella has been raising money for the association since she started at Hometown school and sees each year as a new opportunity to help battle heart disease and inspire others.

“I wanted to raise money for Jump Rope for Heart because I wanted to help kids that are fighting these diseases, I want them to grow up and get to do the same things I get to do and have a happy life,” she said.

For her efforts, Isabella will get a seat on the limo ride for a pizza lunch as in tradition for the top fundraisers at Hometown School!

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