
It’s Cool to be Kind

Detective Stack stresses the importance

Detective Stack stresses the importance of kindness to students at Kolmar.

Detective Stack stresses the importance of kindness to students at Kolmar.

In conjunction with Kindness Week at District 123, the Cook County Sheriff’s Department held a special assembly at each elementary school. Detective Anthony Stack spoke to the students about the dangers of bullying, what it is and how to identify it as well as how to be active against a bully. A bully, defined by Stack, is someone who demonstrates repeated, unwanted, aggressive behavior.

Under the theme “It’s Cool to be Kind” Stack encouraged the students to be kind to one another, help each other out and make the world a better place.

“A couple of times on the playground I have gone up to a bully and said ‘hey guys you need to split up that’s not nice’ and we all play somewhere else. I think if one person is kind to another then that person will be kind and it will keep going,” said a student at Kolmar.

Students were able to actively participate in the discussion around bullying, telling Stack about how they have avoided them or intervened when a classmate had a bully the most fun part came when at the end of each slide, Stack would have the students yell the mantra “It’s Cool to be Kind”.

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